New single origin


By Intelligentsia Sourcing | April 26, 2024

New single origin


By Intelligentsia Sourcing | April 26, 2024

New single origin


By Intelligentsia Sourcing | January 26, 2024

The Variety


On a global scale, Burundi does not produce a lot of coffee, but the coffee industry provides the jobs and export revenue that help keep the country of Burundi running. The coffee we source from Burundi is exceptional and we're here to shout it from the nearest rooftop we can find.


Located near the border with Rwanda in Burundi's Kayanza province, farmers near the Yandaro coffee washing station benefit from cultivating coffee in a unique microclimate. Situated in the valley of the Yandaro river and close to the Kibira Rainforest, the region boasts ample groundwater and nutrient-rich soil. This strategic location allows Yandaro to offer their services to over 3,000 local coffee producers. 

The average coffee producer in the area tracks their coffee harvest not by the amount of land they cultivate on, but by the number of individual coffee trees they have -- embodying the true definition of a smallholder farmer. The average producer in Kayanza has 250 coffee trees, with each tree yielding just over 3 lbs of cherry annually (which will yield less than 0.5 lbs of roasted coffee!). 

Coffee cherries are meticulously hand-picked during harvest, a task primarily undertaken by the families themselves. Due to the small scale of their operations, it is not common for farmers to hire outside help for picking. Given the relatively small scale of production, it is meaningful for producers to have access to a washing station like Yandaro, where their coffee can be consolidated with their neighbors' for sale to international markets while still retaining a sense of place in the cup. Greenco and Yandaro also provide additional services to producers, such as agronomy training, that are designed to maximize the value that they receive for their coffee. 

Washed vs. Natural

Once cherries are delivered to Yandaro, they are floated in small buckets of water and sorted by hand to remove any damaged, underripe, or overripe cherries. After the cherries are classified by quality, most coffee at Yandaro is then depulped and washed. However, select lots of the highest quality cherries are separated and dried carefully as naturals. Both the washed and natural lots are dried with near constant monitoring on the washing station's extensive infrastructure of raised drying beds. 

You may have noticed that we launched the Yandaro Natural while the Yandaro Washed is still on the menu, providing a rare, side-by-side opportunity to taste the influence that processing can have on a coffee that comes from the same region and the same washing station. 

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